Intern at Crooked Creek

Summer Interns

APPLY TODAY: We are still looking for a registered nurse intern. Please contact Anna Hallman at for more information.

Summer Interns play a vital role in our summer camping ministry. Our interns are committed to Christ first and foremost. They also have the ability to lead others, serve with excellence and have a desire to be challenged and grow in their relationship with Christ. Summer Interns will join the team of yearlong interns and together strive to serve Christ, kids and each other. They will also have the opportunity to grow as leaders in ministry, develop Christ-like relationships and enjoy the fun and beauty of camp.


  • Currently active as a ministry leader in Young Life or other Christian ministry.
  • Past experience on summer staff or work crew at a Young Life property, or some other camping ministry.
  • At least 2 years out of high school or are at least 20 years of age.

Please email Anna Hallman.


  • Medical (Nurse & EMT)
  • Food Services
  • Retail
  • Ropes
  • Admin
  • Lifeguard / Waterfront
  • Housekeeping
  • Landscape
  • Maintenance
  • Ridge Runners
  • Sound
  • Video
  • Guest Services
  • Horses
  • Bikes

To Apply

Complete an online summer Intern application. To complete the application you will need the email address of a Young Life staff member who is willing to write a recommendation on your behalf. Applications are open, and we will begin the hiring process in early November.

Year-Long Interns

Year-Long Program

Crooked Creek’s Year-Long Intern program is a challenging and rewarding year. The program is a life-changing experience that is designed for those who are deeply committed to Christ and have a desire to join the Crooked Creek Ranch Staff in providing an environment where volunteers and kids can experience Christ. Our goal for the year is that Year-Long Interns would grow in an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, work hard to support the ministry at Crooked Creek, and gain a solid understanding of Young Life Property Staff. As an employee of Young Life you will be provided with medical, dental and vision benefits.

You will also be accountable for fundraising a portion of your salary.


  • Please read this document​ for a full list of requirements for the program.
  • A desire to serve others and grow in Christ-likeness as well as a willingness to work hard in multiple camp departments and an interest in Young Life Camping.
  • Currently active in Young Life or another Christian ministry.
  • 3 years post-high school.
  • Willingness to raise part of your salary.

To Apply

Applications for the 2024-2025 year are still open!

However, To apply for the year long intern class of August 2024 - August 2025, please follow the directions below. We will review these applications starting January of 2024.

To apply, please click the "apply" link below. Once submitted, the application will prompt you to enter in two references. A completed application and two references are required to begin the interview process. ​

Support a 2023-2024 Year-Long Intern

Crooked Creek's year-long intern program is made up of 8 interns. If you would like to donate to a specific intern, please click on their giving button below. 

Bryce Blackwell
Cam Bullock
Josephine Holliday
Jesse Johns
Mary Caroline Kerr
Sophie Poppenga
Lara Vogel
William Webb

Support a Year-Long Intern

The Crooked Creek Ranch Year-Long Intern Program is made up of 10 interns. If you would like to donate to a specific intern, please click on their give button below. 

Karrah Baker
Ryan Kelly
Sarah Mullen
Jerome MUÑOZ
Audra Newton
Sydney Reagan Saunders
Claire Stanovich
Noah Thompson
Jacob Urata
Ryan Waddell